1. Check Connection Before Sending
Program will check Internet connection (DNS servers, SMTP Port) before processing.
2. Send Images and flash with messages
If enabled, all images and flash will be embedded into the message. If Disabled all images and flash will load from internet on user computer.
This is default setting for new messages. You can change it separately for each message at "Advanced" tab of message editor dialog.
3. Default message encoding
This is default Encoding for new messages. You can change it separately for each message at "Advanced" tab of message editor dialog.
Sending Mode
Sending Modes:
- Relay SMTP Servers
- Direct
- Mixed (Direct + SMTP)
- Socks Proxy Servers (4/4a/5)
- Web Script
- Pickup Folder
Relay SMTP Servers: This mode is recomended mode when software installed on home or office PC. You should specify at least one SMTP server. To configure smtp servers press button "Setup" to go to "SMTP Servers" settings tab.
Direct: This delivery mode uses a build-in SMTP server. This mode is recommended when software installed on windows server. Bulk Mailer works like SMTP server. it connects directly to the recipient's mail server and delivers message directly to the recipient's mailbox. Additional configuration is required in this mode or your ip address can be blacklisted or mail can get to spam folder.
Mixed (Direct + Relay SMTP Servers): This sending mode uses a build-in SMTP server and sends messages directly at first. If the delivery fails, Bulk Mailer uses the configured SMTP Servers to send the message.
Socks Proxy Servers: Proxy server is a special program, which allows LAN users to work with Internet (only when one machine has the "real" IP address). Please contact your network administrator if you're not sure how you're connected, and how to set the appropriate options. To specify your proxy you must specify the host, the port, the username and the password. Press button "..." to go on the tab page "Proxy".
Some of ISP are blocking the SMTP port (25), meaning that you can not send message in direct mode. In this case you have to use the external Socks Proxy Server. Configure Socks Proxy Server on "SOCKS Proxy" Page. We draw your attention that you should use only SOCKS (4/4a/5) proxy server (not HTTP proxy server, which usually used for web browsing).
WebScript: sending via php web script uploaded to your web hosting.
Pickup Folder: you can use this mode if software installed on windows server which have configured smtp server that supports sending via pickup folder.
For testing current sending mode press "Test" button.
For automatic configuration please press button "Auto Configuration". The program will try to select appropriate sending mode by itself.
Direct Mode
Max threads - The number of maximum parallel messages.
Timeout - Because the program relies on the Internet connection with the varying speeds, it is important to set the timeout parameter, which will give the ability to decide how long should the program wait for a response from the e-mail servers, till it drops the connection.
Max connections per domain (direct sending only) - Raising this value will speed up sending, but some SMTP servers discover several parallel connection from one computer (IP address) and may reject the transmission.
SMTP Servers

Add - Add New Relay SMTP Server
Edit - Edit SMTP Server Settings
Delete - Delete SMTP Server
Test - Test All SMTP Servers
Status Label: Show Status of SMTP Servers. Shows "Ok" if there is at least 1 working server.
Relay SMTP Server Configuration:
If you send via Relay SMTP Servers, you must configure at least one SMTP server. Please read SMTP Server Configuration instruction.
Also look at:
- Google/Yahoo/AOL/Hotmail SMTP Server Configuration
- How to find SMTP server settings in your Email Client
- List of ISP SMTP Servers
Email Addresses
List of email addresses which can be selected in from field of "Message Editor" form.
"Set as default" button - select default email address. It will be selected by default in "From" field when you create new message and in other dialogs.
Pickup Folder
Pickup Folder Path - specify path to pickup folder.
The program automatically determines your DNS settings in your current configuration of Windows.
The DNS Servers can be specified only as an IP address. Additional DNS-server is not necessary, though is helpful. Program will try to use the secondary DNS if for some reasons the primary DNS fails to return valid responds to your DNS query. You can add or edit the DNS servers using Add, Edit, Remove buttons. After a DNS server is added you can test it pressing the Test button.
DNS from TCP/IP Settings
The program will try to automatically determine your DNS settings. Please note: if you're a Dial-Up user, first it is necessary to establish the Dial-Up connection to determine the DNS addresses. Otherwise, the program will find DNS addresses in your current configuration of Windows.
Press "Test" button to test current DNS servers.
Fill in the required fields:
Address: Proxy-server address. May be either domain or IP address.
Port: Usually, it is 1080.
If the server requires authentication, fill in:
User name: The name (login).
Password: The password
Press "Test" button to test current Socks Proxy Servers.
Software supports only SOCKS 4/4a/5 Proxy Servers (usually port 1080).
Note: Software can not work via HTTP proxy (port 3128 or 8080) or FTP proxy (port 3121)!
Relay SMTP OnlyThis option is useful when you are sending messages via Direct or Mixed sending mode and your messages appear in the recipients' spam folder or server does not accept emails from you ip address.
Some servers like,,, and can put your messages to SPAM folder if you're sending your messages from residential network or if your IP is blacklisted.
To avoid that, you should enable "Send only via SMTP Server for the followings domains" option and specify the list of domains (one per line).
With this option, program will send messages to specified domains only via configured SMTP servers.
Note: You should configure at least one smtp server.
Exclude DomainsOn this tab page you can specify a list of domains to which the program shouldn't send the messages at all.
Click the checkbox next to "Don't send to the following domains" to enable the option.
Note: The domain name is the last part of the email address after the @ character.
Exclude NamesOn this tab page you can specify a list of emails' names, to which the program shouldn't send the messages at all.
Click the checkbox next to "Don't send to the following names" to enable the option.
Note: The name of email is the first part of the email address starting before the @ character.